الحوار - الجدل - الاعتراف بالاختلاف

هذه ورقة اتذكرها اليوم يعد حديث مع احدى الصديقات
عن سياسة الغاء الاخر /صوته/منبره/رايه /... وجوده
العلاقة مشربكة وتمس اصغر تفاصيلنا وعلاقاتنا الشخصية والاسرية والفردية وصولا الى العلاقات الاجتماعية /المجتمعية /الثقافية /السياسية.......الخ

هذه الورقة قدمتها في احدى الجلسات /في احدى القاعات/وبحضور زملاء من جنسيات وبلاد من /حول العالم .......العالم الذي يتضخم فيه ( الايغو) وتقل مساحة الاعتبار للاخر وشؤنه وشجونه

اضع هذه الورقة هنا - كي اتذكرها شخصيا
وقد يجد فيها احد مادة مادة مناسبة ودعوة للتفكير قليلا

Arguing in an atmosphere of good will

When you argue, you have to deal with the other person’s psychology with the fact that she will probably not be as skilled as you are, or embody the habit of reason .

“perhaps the largest barrier to open an honest debate between others benevolent is what Frued termed “ the ego” . Your ego is your self- opinion you posses. Human beings invest a great deal of ego in their beliefs, so that there beliefs become a part of self-esteem.”

If you decide to press on with the argument, however, remember that scaling the ego barrier more than an acquired skill.

The strategy of preserving good will:

The main feature of this skill is good will, or a display of fair play on your part .Although good will can be expressed in many ways, the following rules of argument etiquette will certainly help to establish it.

1- Never purposely embrace anyone
2- Give the other person time to consider the argument>
3- When someone has conceded a point, move on
4- Freely Acknowledge when you have mad an error
5- When you are uncertain of something, say so
6- Be candidate about the Reliability of your information
7- Be tolerant of small slips
8- Show an interest in what the other person says
9- Acknowledge good points
10- Avoid an ostentatious display of knowledge

Book: The reasonable Woman
By: Wendy McElroy


جاكلين سلام

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حوار مع الناقد محمد عباس في صفحة منتدى مدينة على هدب طفل 2004

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