
عرض المشاركات من فبراير, ٢٠٠٦

winter 2005

فوتوغراف: ج.س @
Feb 12, 2006 @ Mc Kay art Certre-Markham Varley Art Gallery

الحوار - الجدل - الاعتراف بالاختلاف

هذه ورقة اتذكرها اليوم يعد حديث مع احدى الصديقات عن سياسة الغاء الاخر /صوته/منبره/رايه /... وجوده العلاقة مشربكة وتمس اصغر تفاصيلنا وعلاقاتنا الشخصية والاسرية والفردية وصولا الى العلاقات الاجتماعية /المجتمعية /الثقافية /السياسية.......الخ هذه الورقة قدمتها في احدى الجلسات /في احدى القاعات/وبحضور زملاء من جنسيات وبلاد من /حول العالم .......العالم الذي يتضخم فيه ( الايغو) وتقل مساحة الاعتبار للاخر وشؤنه وشجونه اضع هذه الورقة هنا - كي اتذكرها شخصيا وقد يجد فيها احد مادة مادة مناسبة ودعوة للتفكير قليلا جاكلين * Arguing in an atmosphere of good will When you argue, you have to deal with the other person’s psychology with the fact that she will probably not be as skilled as you are, or embody the habit of reason . “perhaps the largest barrier to open an honest debate between others benevolent is what Frued termed “ the ego” . Your ego is your self- opinion you posses. Human beings invest a great deal of ego in their beliefs, so that there beliefs become a part of self-esteem.” If you decide

Intertwine with the Canadian society - تضافر

Media Release: Varley opens first Project with Mid-Eastern artists Intertwine Celebration of The Canadian Society February 12-28th 2006 The McKay Art Center The exhibition runs until Feb 28, 2006. Issued at Unionville Feb 3. 2006 Continuing our goal of profiling Canadian artists the gallery will showcase artworks by 3 Canadian artists, a poet and a media director, of Mid Eastern Origin. The show gains strength and momentum at time of such high media attention to a community within our large community. It is presented so that we might pause to see the value and strength that these accomplished artists are creating. “They show the concept and efforts to” INTERTWINE” with the Canadian society” said Hanna Guirges, exhibition curator. This effort shows the Varley support that we are continuing their leadership in supporting the visual arts and the exploration of the richness of Canada’s diverse landscape. The Intertwine Exhibit is curated by Hanna Guirges Guest Curator at Varley Art Galler

صمت القصيدة ...

بأصابع من حزن تقيس المسافة بين وجهها وماتبقى ج.س

لها الأفق وأجنحتها

تحلق بين ظلمتين لها الأفق وأجنحتها لم تنفرط بعد زنبقة لا تكف عن الصعود والعواصف بين بتلاتها، لا تكلّ .... .... تصوير ج.س